Friday, February 17, 2012

Theatorium, Perry, New York

Looking over early picture postcards of Main Street, one can sometimes spot a storefront theatre such as the Theatorium in Perry, New York.

A few sentences in the local press provide a basic history.

Its opening reprinted in Down Memory Lane, Perry Herald, March 21, 1957:
"March 21, 1907-Perry's new Theatorium will be open to the public on Friday March 22, in the Bullard block next to Coburn's restaurant, with new and up-to-date movies. Admission will be 5c."

Down Memory Lane, Perry Herald, May 23, 1957:
"May 23, 1907-The Theatorium has been making some changes in the front which are appreciated by their patrons. The fine quality of their pictures continues to change three times a week and draws a large crowd."

Wyoming County Times, March 31, 1909:
"Criswell's Theatorium  has recently been renovated and put in fine shape."

Perry Semi-Weekly Herald, November 2, 1909:
"R. U. Criswell, who formerly run [sic] the Theatorium here, has bought the Lyric Theatre, a similar moving picture show in Batavia."

Wyoming County Times, July 14, 1910:
"The Theatorium moving picture house has been closed." 

Wyoming County Times, November 17, 1910:
"The Theatorium is closed again and is being arranged inside for a store."

From the Perry Herald-News, June 13, 1907:

IMDb proves scant information on the film.

Postcard: Theatre Talks LLC Collection

 Cezar Del Valle is the author of the Brooklyn Theatre Index, chosen 2010 Best Book of the Year by the Theatre Historical Society

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