Monday, November 14, 2011

Theatre Talks Starting over

The original concept of this blog was to promote the Brooklyn Theatre Index with a slight nod towards my walking tours and talks. Numerous articles, on self-publishing, recommend blogging as a form of promotion.
After a promising start, the entries became sporadic and not always well written. I was suppose this is true of most blogs.

Times Square Walking Tour, 2007 (photo: Betty Sword)
A decision was made, this week, to start over with the weaker entries deleted. The new Theatre Talks would be better written and more informative. Perhaps it might even find a following.

The Brooklyn Theatre Index will still receive a mention when something new happens. The same with the talks and walking tours (there will be one on January 8, 2012  for the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation).

Tomorrow, Theatre Talks starts over while waiting for the train at Grand Central

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