
Walking tour of the Yiddish Rialto for the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation.

 Photo copyright Betty Sword

“Versatile and effective in his well-craft presentations”
-Tuesday Evening Hour

“Del Valle is an extremely entertaining presenter.
Too many historians have a tin ear for what’s interesting.
Absolutely the opposite with Del Valle.”

-Trav S. D., Travelanche

“Thank you for a fabulous ‘matinee’."
"The audience loved hearing about the theatres and were enthralled with your slides.” 

-Tracey Simon
Program Coordinator
Lynbrook Library

“The presentation was wonderful. Thanks for coming.”
-Kelly & Linda
Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council.

“Your slide collection is truly impressive.
Because of your presentation our annual meeting
gave much pleasure to everybody who was present.”

-Boro Park Historical Society

“A charming, knowledgeable, and funny man who seems to know
more about Brooklyn theatre history than anyone in captivity”

-Richard Grayson 
from the blog Dumbo Books

Cezar Del Valle is available for theatre talks and walks in 2020:
 historical societies, libraries, senior centers, etc

theatretalks at

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